Well, it is not that bad- I am actually still hyped (and sick) - partially because of my crazy idea (I get to that later). I still need to recap - though a bit delayed- the final. Firstly, I have to address the elefant in the room:
Petra and Mans were brilliant. I loved their songs ( I am really hoping for a ESC 2016 Bonus edition on itunes with Love, Love, Peace, Peace and so on, on it), I loved the jokes and the overall package. Not everything was perfect though: Mans clearly needs to work on his interviewing skills (I know his time was limited but give the girl time to finish her song!) The clip shown about the Nerd-Nation was great in the Semi finals but did not reach its potential in the final. Also the 4min clip before JT was a bit disturbing - while it is great to see so many known acts coming from Sweden, I think they should have mastered that differently. Clip- Highlight was Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Derek Jacobi "the longest night ever" Now to my predictions and comparing them with the Jury, the Tele and the combined vote:
Now I know I was off with a few but overall my prediction was not too bad... who would have thought Poland would do that well? I am pleased about it, but I was already surprised that they qualified. Bulgaria was even better than predicted with is awesome! And I knew it was going to be tight between the top 3 when I made my predictions. Now, I have heard a lot of b***ing about whether Ukraine should have won, and politics and so on. Honestly though, Ukraine portrait raw emotion that touched people, the audience in the hall felt it ( i had goosebumps all over the first time I heard the song live), the people at home picked up the phone for it and the Jury marked the talent. I believe she deserved to win. Was it my personal favourite? No, it was not. I still voted for it. I did not vote for Russia and I liked the song. Why did I not vote? He was such a sure candidate to win that I did not feel the need to call for him. And the song was a great Eurovision song and the performance great, yet in the final I did not feel the excitement anymore. Australia. There is no doubt about the amazing talent of Dami - her vocals rock. So I am not surprised to see the Jury going for her to win. I am a bit disappointed that Israel did not do so well. Having watched the show on television now, I can understand why. In the Globen the whole performance was stunning and the voice so beautiful - but somehow it was not translated to the screen (The same goes for Bulgaria - but here people still voted :) )
Lastly Germany. I feel about Germany's last place the same way as about Ireland not making the final: I knew it was going to happen but did not want to say anything. However, I have to say this is also down to the commentators. when the song is introduced with comments about vomit and dislike it is hard to like the song. Germany, face it: Europe does not like you... Finishing off with a few impressions from the final (at this stage I want to give a big thank you to Benedict Lützenburg, who let me use his fantastic pictures)
I did not post anything yesterday as I was too sad ;) Nicky's performance was better and I think he deserved to go through to the final- well I preferred him over Georgia. Also sad about Belarus not making the cut.
Now I do have to report about the Jury Final. As some of you have already seen, friends of mine won VIP tickets for the Grand Final tonight. But we still went to see the show last night and I am glad that we did. Our seats were with restricted view - basically behind the stage. This gave us a nice inside on what is happening in the back. The show started with a fashion show- much to my delight. One of the outfits caught my attention (you might wanna look out for it) as it reminded me of a German expression "einen Bären aufbinden" (roughly to pull s.b. leg but literally "to turn up a bear on someone") :) The show was overall great - i enjoyed the opening number just as much as the individual acts. Though I am not too happy with the running order. If there ever was a chance for DE to get a good score it is now minimalised singing between SW and FR. My personal favourite remains Bulgaria but if I am honest I would think this is how it is going to turn out tonight: 1 Russia 2 Australia 3 Ukraine 4 Sweden 5 Bulgaria 6 Israel 7 France 8 Italy 9 Netherlands 10 Latvia We will see... Now a few impressions from last night ( I forgot to take pictures of my outfit :S) So we watched the Jury final last night and I am sad to say it is going to be tough for Ireland. but I still bet on them to make it... Israels performance was great! Overall a lot of artist have cool dancers on stage with them - I am afraid you won't see to much of them in the televised version.
Australias vocals were a.m.a.z.i.n.g but her performance was slightly off and I wish her all the best for tonight. My personal favourite is Bulgaria: She is just great even with her chicken dance. HIghlight of the day seem to have been my dress. We were stopped multiple times- for fotos, videos and so on. so my flag-heart dress was a full success! Not sure how long we going to last in the next days - I feel a lung infection coming my way :( but I will try to party still ;) Here a few impressions: So the results are in and we know the first 8 who did not make the final. Am I happy about the result? Yes and no. I am super excited for the Netherlands: While Douwe is a little charmer his performance was really good and even the awkward 10sec break was easily covered. We will see if he slows down in the final.
With a sad eye I see Finland go. They were fun but screwed up the live performance vocally. San Marino should have gone through just for the fun of it: I did not know that they would not go on I didn't know! Czech Republic, I have to be happy about as a member of the OGAE Ireland is one of the composers. So after the show we want to the after party in the Euro club - we had too much fun for photos. We were interviewed live for the Swedish Express. I will see if I can get a snip it from the interview. Other than that we danced with Krista and Sandhja from Finland, had great fun with the press, the fans and some of the other artists... We went home when the sun had already risen again :D Today was in incognito - I was still black/red/gold but not as out there as yesterday. We went to see a meet and greet with Just from Latvia and Eneda from Albania. They were great. We also managed to sneak into the Australian Party where Dami performed an acoustic version of her Sound of Silence.
The Jury Final was brilliant and I can only recommend to watch it on Tuesday. We planned to go to the the Party from the Irish delegation, however, we arrived too late and the irish had already moved on. :( but we had a lovely chat with some irish lads at the international pub Stockholm. I think they were having a laugh at our expense at first but we quickly won them over ;) - oh the joys of living in blanchardstown. Now with our last house guest arriving too, we will see what the next day will bring. .. hopefully some partying. .. Sunday was the first real day of Eurovision! It was amazing! We went to the Eurovillage and actually got some great pics done there. But not much fashion was happening here. BUT then we had the opening ceremony and it was way better than last year. While last year fans had not much of a chance to interact with the stars we were in first row and met almost all the stars! We had a lot of selfie actions # Eurovision Red Carpet, I created an instagram handle and a twitter page but have not yet used them, but as soon as I am back at home I will try to find all the pictures and re-tweed them. Our dirndl were a full success with a lot of the artist stopping to talk to us. My Top 3 fashion Outfits have to be Poli (maybe because I just love her and she just looks stunning in this white blazer/sheer skirt combination), Greta with her lace jumpsuit and by far Nina with her modern metal corset/ black fishnet dress.
However also worth mentioning was one Frans delegation, where I found the best hairstyle of the night At the moment I am filtering through all the images. And uploading everything via the phone takes a while, but I will try to add all the pictures that I can later. We had German Dirndl day: A Leo-dirndl with a golden apron, red tights and golden glitter shoes! Yesterday was all about arrival and settling in. I got my accreditation. So now I can go to euro club every night :) I met with diarmuid, the "leader" of the ogae Ireland. I had a great evening though paying 200 krones for breakfast is some getting used to even if it is just 20 €. My choice of shoes was definitely poor. .. my feet=blisters :(
I'm excited for today. I will try to post pictures of the opening ceremony tomorrow morning. My flight to Stockholm is in a couple of hours and I take the time to upload my fashionable nails and my new hairstyle. Unfortunately the yellow mixed in with the red making my ends orange rather than gold/yellow. I still like it- even for Eurovision:
Okay, this is fashion that usually would not match my style, but we are talking Eurovision Song Contest! I have always loved it and will probably always do. And as I my new models backed out of the fashion shot I cannot really give more info on the collection. So for the coming week I will post my outfits and the latest news from Stockholm. This should be a good way to fill the gap between now and the finish of my SS17 collection. Yes- that is right... I handed in my SS17 designs for production. they should be ready end of May. Also I have a few new Bio-Cotton Prints that most likely end up in stylish shoppers. but more about that after Eurovision... for now I am counting down the days to Stockholm. Starting with a new Hairstyle on Friday!
Kate Krausepennyless fashion designer working towards London Categories
September 2019