You might remember this. A while ago I posted that I was faced with the decision between staying in Dublin and moving to Berlin. Well, I have packed my bags and I am almost ready to go. In a weeks time I will be boarding the plane to Schönefeld.
While I will leave this beautiful country behind me, I am taking wonderful memories with me (and about 35 moving boxes :O) I am thankful to those, who empowered me to take a step into the direction of becoming a person in my own right and starting the venture into fashion. I am also thankful to a wonderful team, that surprised me today by showing their support in my fashion dreams by handing me a "Bank of Dreams" cheque as a farewell gift. I am really touched by the support I am getting from all around me and I am looking forward to showing you the results of that support! Thank you! thank you!
Kate Krausepennyless fashion designer working towards London Categories
September 2019