Back in Berlin and back in the old routine. For most it looks like I've just fallen back into my old patterns and hence have not updated this blog. With only 2weeks until Christmas I thoughts I will change that.
Nothing spectacular happened since I came back now almost a month ago. I've been out sick for almost half of the time. The rest of the time I've continued to furnish my apartment and got some things organized. Now I am finally back on track and that will mean change in 2017. Am I scared of change? Yes I am. But then who isn't? I hate not knowing, having no back up plan for most eventualities. Sometimes, however, you just need to take a leap of face and jump into the (calculated) unknown. Never jump without having some sort of safety measures unless you have suicidal thoughts- even then I would still recommend safety measures in case you change your mind. I will have to go into more detail about this at a later post. Today I am mainly excited about going to Excalibur again. This "rock opera" is in Berlin tonight. I have seen 2 versions of it a few years back and I will see if I still like it without Johnny Logan and Bruce from Runrig. The answer is I don't. I feel sorry for all the great musicians that took part in tonight's show. The production was bad the acting seriously shite and there was no storyline. And for that I had decided not to go to the gym. I am an eegit. But at least I had some fun with a friend. Tomorrow I am going to another Christmas market. This time I am going with the team (well what is left, we have quite some sicknesses going around) and I will see if I like it as much as spandau. I really like spandau. And Thursday I will finally be able to pack for my trip to Vienna on Friday. I am hoping to meet some old friends and do an Eurovision postcard of sorts. I will see if my plan works. I will keep you posted. If I wouldn't know myself better I wouldn't say it but considering my track record: I am wishing you a merry Christmas and for those antichrists: happy winter.
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Kate Krausepennyless fashion designer working towards London Categories
September 2019